Lady with blue and yellow hair in a bob holding a phone and credit card

My money

Information about dealing with debts, bankruptcy, dealing with a dispute about money, Centrelink and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Types of debts

Types of debts

Find out more about the different types of debts and your options to respond.
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Resolving your dispute

Resolving your dispute

Find out more about how you can resolve your dispute without going to court.
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Making a claim

Making a claim

Find out more about what to do before starting a claim against someone who owes you money.
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Going to court

Going to court

Find out more about starting a case in court, if you tried to resolve your matter and the other party still won't pay you.
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After court

After court

Find out more about what to do next after the court makes a decision about your case.
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Responding to a claim

Responding to a claim

Find out what to do if someone is chasing you for money.
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During your case

During your case

Find out more about what happens when you defend the claim and go to court.
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After court

After court

Find out more about what to do next after the court makes a decision about your case.
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Find out more about social security and Centrelink debts.
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National Disability Insurance Scheme

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Find out more about the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
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Mistaken and unauthorised payments

Mistaken and unauthorised payments

Find out more about how to protect your bank accounts and what to do about mistaken or unauthorised payments.
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Disputes with banks or credit providers

Disputes with banks or credit providers

Find out more about how you can resolve a dispute about a consumer credit debt.
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Find out more about bankruptcy and where to get help if you are thinking of bankruptcy.
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