Older man and lady sitting at the front of the house having coffee and in covnersation

My housing

Information for private and social housing tenants, people experiencing homelessness or at risk of being homeless, and homeowners with a mortgage.

Landlords and tenants in NSW, including social housing tenants, have rights and obligations.  These include: 

  • who is responsible for repairs and maintenance 
  • what happens if the tenant or landlord want to end the tenancy
  • what happens to property left behind by a tenant after the tenancy.

Emergency accommodation may be available if you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

If you own a home and have a mortgage, you can apply for financial hardship if you have a problem with paying your repayments. If you can’t make payments and have no agreement with your bank, they may start legal action to repossess your home.



Find out more about your rights and responsibilities as a private tenant, and what to do if you want to leave or your tenancy is terminated by your landlord.
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Find out more about where you can get emergency accommodation if you are homeless or at risk of being homeless.
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Social Housing

Social Housing

Find out more about your rights and responsibilities as a social housing tenant.
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Uncollected goods

Uncollected goods

Find out more about what to do if you left your goods behind.
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Find out more about how to deal with mortgage stress and what to do if your lender has commenced legal action.
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