
Information about what to do if you get a fine in NSW.

Types of fines

Types of fines

Find out more about what offences are punishable with a fine.
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Fines and young people

Fines and young people

Find out more about what happens when a young person receives a fine.
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Help with multiple fines

Help with multiple fines

Find out more about what help you can get if you have lots of fines.
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Pay your fine

Pay your fine

Find out more about how to pay your fine.
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Name the driver

Name the driver

Find out more about how to name the person who was driving at the time of the offence.
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Request a review

Request a review

Find out more about how to request a review of your fine.
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Work and Development Orders

Work and Development Orders

Find out more about how you can work off your fine under a Work and Development Order.
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Request a fine reduction

Request a fine reduction

Find out more about how to ask for your fine to be reduced.
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Ask to have your fine written-off

Ask to have your fine written-off

Find out more about how to apply to have your overdue fine written-off.
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Go to court

Go to court

Find out more about applying to go to court about a fine.
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What if I do nothing?

What if I do nothing?

Find out more about what will happen if you don’t deal with your fine.
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