See 3.1.1 ERA Care and Protection for adoption mediation policies :

  • Prefiling Adoption Mediation Pilot 
  • Postfiling Adoption Mediations

Legal aid is available for adoption proceedings where the legal aid applicant is the respondent [the birth parent, grandparent or sibling] in the adoption proceedings.

To be eligible for legal aid the applicant must satisfy:

Legal aid is available to a child/ren where the Court has made an order for separate representation of the child/ren.

Legal aid is available for adoption proceedings where the legal aid applicant is the applicant in the adoption proceedings.

To be eligible for legal aid the applicant must satisfy:

  • the Means Test,
  • the Merit Test, and
  • Legal Aid NSW is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances.

Legal aid is available to a child/ren where the Court has made an order for separate representation of the child/ren.

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