Private lawyer delegations

Resources and tools

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The delegation

Under s.69 of the Legal Aid Commission Act 1979 (NSW) (the Act), the Chief Executive Officer of Legal Aid NSW delegates the functions vested in them under s.17 of the Act to specific Legal Aid NSW officers and private lawyers.

The CEO has given private lawyers on the Family Law Panel the delegation to determine under s 34 of the Act certain family law applications for legal aid. See Delegation Instrument at clause 3.36 for your delegation.

Resources for you

To help with determining your client’s application and to guide you through the process please ensure you consider the documents below. The documents marked with asterisk can be kept as a record of your decision and used as your aide memoire for any cross checking conducted by Legal Aid NSW.
File Notes - recording your reasons for decision (*)
Worksheet (*)
Frequently Asked Questions

During the three months training roll out we compiled all the questions asked during sessions into a FAQ for easy access and reading.



(no new dates for 2023 listed) 

Further information

Please send any enquiry to Delegations for advice/information about the delegation changes application and the process.

The training attendance is a requirement for all Family Law Panel lawyers. Please ensure you attend an on-line training session to understand the changes and the benefits for you and your clients.

To register, use your Grants Online account details to log into the Legal Aid Learning Management System (LMS), search for “Delegation changes for family panel lawyers” and enrol.